(1)主持科技部科技基础性工作专项“基于自然保护区的DNA条形码”子课题“小五台山自然保护区无脊椎动物DNA条形码研究”(2012-2017,No. 2012FY110803,218万元)
(2)主持国家自然科学基金“基于形态与分子数据的中国伪蝎目(蛛形纲)系统发育研究,(2014-2017, No.31372154, 81万元)
(3)主持国家自然科学基金“中国幽灵蛛科系统学研究(蛛形纲:蜘蛛目)”( 2011-2013,No. 31071885,34.0万元)
(4)主持国家自然科学基金重大项目子项目“中国动物志蛛形纲蜘蛛目巨蟹蛛科”(2011-2015, No. 31093430,35.0万元)
(5)代理主持国家自然科学“中国伪蝎目分类”(2010-2012, No. 30970325,32.0万元,代主持)
(6)代理主持国家自然科学基金重大项目子项目“中国动物志蛛形纲蜘蛛目:管巢蛛科、光盔蛛科和圆颚蛛科”(2005-2009,No. 30499340,10万元)
(7)主持教育部博士点新教师基金“中国幽灵蛛科系统学和进化特征研究(蛛形纲:蜘蛛目)”(2010-2012, No. 20091301120005,3.6万元)
(8)主持河北省自然科学基金“河北白洋淀湿地蜘蛛多样性及DNA条形码研究”(2014-2017,No. C2014201041, 5万元)
(1) Lina Fu, Chi Jin & Feng Zhang. Three new species of the genus Otacilia Thorell (Araneae: Phrurolithidae) from China. Zootaxa. 2014, 3869 (4): 483–492. (SCI收录)
(2) Shanjie Zha, Chi Jin & Feng Zhang. The first description of the male Euophrys atrata and E. bulbus from southern China (Araneae: Salticidae). Zootaxa. 2014, 3779 (3): 368–374. (SCI收录)
(3) Fubin Zhang & Feng Zhang. A new species of the genus Allochthonius (Pseudoscorpiones, Pseudotyrannochthinidae) from Liupan Mountains, China, with the description of the male of Allochthonius brevitus. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 2014, 60(1): 45–56. (SCI收录)
(4) Chenhui Guo & Feng Zhang. First description of the male of Diaea mikhailovi (Araneae: Thomisidae). Zootaxa. 2014, 3815 (3): 447–450. (SCI收录)
(5) Panlong Wu & Feng Zhang. One new species of the Clubiona obesa-group from China, with the first description of Clubiona kropfi male (Araneae, Clubionidae). ZooKeys. 2014, 420: 1–9. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.420.7770 (SCI收录)
(6) Zhiyue Li, Chi Jin & Feng Zhang. The genus Anahita from Wuyi Mountains, Fujian, China, with description of one new species (Araneae: Ctenidae). Zootaxa. 2014, 3847 (1): 145–150. (SCI收录)
(7) Panlong Wu & Feng Zhang. A new species of the the spider genus Clubiona from China,with description of the male of Clubiona Qiyunensis (Araneae: Clubionidae). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 2014, 60(3): 207–215. (SCI收录)
(8) Fubin Zhang & Feng Zhang. First report of the family Lechytiidae (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) from China, with the descrption of a new species. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 2014, 60(3): 217–225. (SCI收录)
(9) Chao Zhang, Adriano B. Kury & Feng Zhang. Notes on Bonea Roewer, 1914 and Lomanius Roewer, 1923 (Opiliones: Laniatores: Podoctidae), with the description of three new species from China. Zootaxa. 2013, 3630(2): 201–224. (SCI收录)
(10) Junfang Hu & Feng Zhang. Description of Alocobisium tibetense sp. nov., representing the first record of pseudoscorpion family Syarinidae from China (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Zootaxa. 2013, 3641(4): 49–56. (SCI收录)
(11) Chi Jin & Feng Zhang. Two new Mallinella species from southern China (Araneae: Zodariidae). Zookeys. 2013, 296: 79–88. dx.doi.org/ 10.3897/zookeys.296.4622.(SCI收录)
(12) Chi Jin & Feng Zhang. A new species of the genus Sinanapis Wunderlich & Song (Araneae, Anapidae) from China. Zootaxa. 2013, 3681 (3): 289–292. (SCI收录)
(13) Jie Yang & Feng Zhang. Two new species of the genus Stenohya Beier from Yunnan, China (Pseudoscorpiones, Neobisiidae). Acta Zoologica Hungarica, 2013, 59(2): 131–141. (SCI收录)
(14) Zhizhong Gao & Feng Zhang. Pseudoscorpions from Laos with description of a new species and new records (Arachnida Pseudoscorpiones). Archives of Biological Sciences. 2013, 65(3): 839–850. (SCI收录)
(15) Zhizhong Gao, Feng Zhang. Description of a new Allochthonius species from China, with a key to the genus (Pseudoscorpiones Pseudotyrannochthoniidae). Entomologica Fennica 2013, 24: 107–112. (SCI收录)
(16) Chao Zhang & Feng Zhang. Description of a new Cladolasma (Opiliones: Nemastomatidae: Ortholasmatinae) species from China. Zootaxa. 2013, 3691 (4): 443–452. (SCI收录)
(17) Baoshi Zhang, Feng Zhang & Zhisheng Zhang. Four new species of the genus Pseudopoda Jäger, 2000 (Araneae, Sparassidae) from Yunnan Province, China. Zootaxa. 2013, 3702 (3): 273–287. (SCI收录)
(18) Chao Zhang & Feng Zhang. Notes on some species of the genus Melanopa (OpilionesL Sclerosomatidae: Gagrellinae) from China, with description of a new species. The Journal of Arachnology. 2013, 41: 306–318. (SCI收录)
(19) Feng Zhang, Baoshi Zhang & Zhisheng Zhang. New species of Pseudopoda Jäger, 2000 from Southern China (Araneae, Sparassidae). ZooKeys. 2013, 361: 37–60. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.361.6089(SCI收录)
(20) Chi Jin & Feng Zhang. Re-examination of the crab spider species Oxytate minuta Tang, Yin et Peng, 2005 (Araneae: Thomisidae). Zootaxa. 2012, 3588: 64–67. (SCI收录)
(21) Feng Zhang, Baoshi Zhang & Xiaomei Jia. Two new species of the genus Mallinella Strand, 1906 (Araneae: Zodariidae) from China. Zootaxa. 2012, 3241: 64–68. (SCI收录)
(22) Feng Zhang & Bao-Shi Zhang. Spiders of the genus Phycosoma O. P.-Cambridge, 1879 (Araneae: Theridiidae) from Hainan Island, China. Zootaxa. 2012, 3339: 30–43. (SCI收录)
(23) Bao-Shi Zhang & Feng Zhang. Two new spider species of the genus Chrysso O. P.-Cambridge, 1882 (Araneae, Theridiidae) in Hainan Island, China. Zookeys, 2012, 190: 21–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.190.2924 (SCI收录)
(24) Baoshi Zhang, Feng Zhang & Xiaomei Jia. Two new species of the ant spider genus Asceua Thorell, 1887 (Araneae: Zodariidae) from China. Zootaxa. 2012, 3307: 62–68. (SCI收录)
(25) Chao Zhang & Feng Zhang. On the subfamilial assignment of Platybunoides (Opiliones: Eupnoi: Phalangiidae), with the description of a new species from China. Zootaxa. 2012, 3190, 47–55. (SCI收录)
(26) Chao Zhang & Feng Zhang. A new species of Parabeloniscus (Opiliones: Laniatores: Epedanidae) from China. Zootaxa. 2012, 3565: 55–64. (SCI)
(27) Junfang Hu & Feng Zhang. Two new species of the genus Allochthonius Chamberlin from China (Pseudoscorpiones, Pseudotyrannochthoniidae). Entomologica Fennica. 2012, 22, 243-248. (SCI收录)
(28) Junfang Hu & Feng Zhang. Description of two new Stenohya species from China (Pseudoscorpiones, Neobisiidae). Zookeys. 2012, 213: 79–91. (SCI收录)
(29) Luyu Wang, Feng Zhang & Zhisheng Zhang. Ant-like sac spiders from Jinyun Mountain Natural Reserve of Chongqing, China (Araneae: Corinnidae). Zootaxa. 2012, 3431: 37–53. (SCI收录)
(30) Junfang Hu & Feng Zhang. New species of the genus Lagynochthonius Beier (Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae) from Hainan Island, China. Entomological News. 2011, 122(3): 223–232. (SCI收录)
(31) Zhizhong Gao & Feng Zhang. A new genus and species of chernetid pseudoscorpion (Pseudoscorpiones: Chernetidae) from Hainan Island, China. Entomological News. 2011, 122(5): 432–440. (SCI收录)
(32) Feng Zhang, Dongsheng Hu & Guangxin Han. A new species of the genus Anahita Karsch, 1879 (Araneae: Ctenidae) from Hainan Island, China. Zootaxa. 2011, 2839: 85–88. (SCI收录)
(33) Feng Zhang & Yanqiu Peng. Eleven new species of the genus Belisana Thorell (Araneae: Pholcidae) from South China. Zootaxa. 2011, 2989: 51–68. (SCI收录)
(34) Baoshi Zhang, Feng Zhang & Ping Chen. Species of the genus Mallinella Strand, 1906 (Araneae: Zodariidae) from Hainan Island, China. Zootaxa. 2011, 2986: 55–62. (SCI收录)
(35) Baoshi Zhang, Long Liu & Feng Zhang. The cobweb spiders of the genus Anelosimus Simon, 1891 (Araneae: Theridiidae) in Hainan Island, China. Zootaxa. 2011, 2833: 49–59. (SCI收录)
(36) Dongsheng Hu & Feng Zhang. First description of the female of Lysiteles minimus (Araneae: Thomisidae) from Liupan Mountains, Ningxia, China. Zootaxa. 2011, 3013: 65–68. (SCI收录)
(37) Dongsheng Hu & Feng Zhang. Description of a new Otacilia species from China, with transfer of two species from the genus Phrurolithus (Araneae: Corinnidae). Zootaxa. 2011, 2993: 59–68. (SCI收录)
(38) Guangxin Han, Feng Zhang & Zhi-Sheng Zhang. First description of the male of Notiocoelotes pseudolingulatus (Araneae: Agelenidae) from Hainan Island, China. Zootaxa, 2011, 2819: 65–67. (SCI收录)
(39) Huiming Chen, Feng Zhang & Mingsheng Zhu. Four new troglophilous species of the genus Pholcus (Araneae, Pholcidae) from Guizhou Province, China. Zootaxa. 2011, 2922: 51–59. (SCI收录)
(40) Yanqiu Peng & Feng Zhang. Two new species of the genus Pholcus (Araneae: Pholcidae) from Taihang Mountains, China, with first report of the female of Pholcus oculosus. Entomologica Fennica. 2011, 22: 78–84. (SCI收录)
(41) Yongwei Zhao, Feng Zhang & Ying Jia. Two new species of the genus Stenohya Beier, 1967 (Pseudoscorpiones, Neobisiidae) from China. Zootaxa. 2011, 2834: 57–64. (SCI收录)
(42) Weiguang Lian, Chao Zhang & Feng Zhang. Review of the genus Plistobunus Pocock, 1903, with description of a new species from Hainan Island, China (Opiliones: Laniatores: Epedanidae). Zookeys. 2011, 112:39–52. (SCI收录)
(43) Feng Zhang & Jianying Fu. First report of the genus Sesieutes simon (araneae: liocranidae) from China, with description of one new species. Entomological News. 2010, 121(1): 69–74. (SCI收录)
(44) Feng Zhang & Fu Jianying. A new species of the genus Sphingius (Araneae, Liocranidae) from China, and first description of the female: Sphingius hainan Zhang, Fu & Zhu, 2009. ZooKeys. 2010, 49: 23–31. (SCI收录)
(45) Feng Zhang, Chao Zhang & Jian-Ying Fu. A new species of the genus Xantharia from China (Araneae: Clubionidae). Zootaxa. 2010, 2617: 66-68. (SCI收录)
(46) Chao Zhang & Feng Zhang. A new Tithaeus species from Hainan Island, China (Arachnida, Opiliones, Laniatores, Epedanidae), with a key to the Chinese species. Zookeys, 2010, 67: 65–72. (SCI收录)
(47) Jian-Ying Fu, Zhang Feng & Ming-Sheng Zhu. Three new species of the genus Otacilia (Araneae: Corinnidae) from Hainan Island, China. Journal of Natural History. 2010, 44(11): 639–650 (SCI收录)
(48) Xiaoxiao Zhang, Feng Zhang & Ming-Sheng Zhu. A review of the Asian orb weaving spider genus Pronoides (Araneae: Araneidae). Zootaxa. 2010, 2642: 59-67. (SCI收录)
(49) Feng Zhang, Jianying Fu & Mingsheng Zhu. Spiders of the genus Sphingius (Araneae: Liocranidae) from China, with description of two new species. Zootaxa. 2009, 2298: 31-44. (SCI收录)
(50) Feng Zhang, Jian-Ying Fu & Ming-Sheng Zhu. First report of the sac spider genus Systaria Simon (Araneae: Clubionidae) from China: Systaria hainanensis sp. nov. and Systaria mengla (Song & Zhu, 1994) comb. nov. Zootaxa. 2009, 2305: 51-60. (SCI收录)
(51) Feng Zhang, Jian-Ying Fu & Ming-Sheng Zhu. A review of the genus Trachelas (Araneae: Corinnidae ) from China. Zootaxa. 2009, 2235, 40-58. (SCI收录)
(52) Feng Zhang & Zhu Mingsheng. Two new species of the genus Khorata Huber, 2005 (Araneae: Pholcidae) from Guangxi Province, China. Entomological News. 2009, 120(3): 233-239. (SCI收录)
(53) Feng Zhang & Zhu Mingsheng. A review of the genus Pholcus (Araneae: Pholcidae) from China. Zootaxa. 2009, 2037, 1-114.(SCI收录)
(54) Feng Zhang, Ming-sheng Zhu & I-Min Tso. Review of the genus Hongkongia (Araneae: Gnaphosidae) from China. Zootaxa. 2009, 2164, 61-68. (SCI收录)
(55) Huiming Chen, Feng Zhang & Mingsheng Zhu. Four new troglophilous spiders of Belisana Thorell, 1898 (Araneae, Pholcidae) from Guizhou Province, China. Zootaxa. 2009, 2092, 58-68. (SCI收录)
(56) Feng Zhang, Zhu Mingsheng. Review of the genus Coreodrassus (Araneae: Gnaphosidae) from China. Zootaxa. 2008,1761:30-36. (SCI收录)
(57) Feng Zhang, Zhu Mingsheng & Song Daxiang. A review of pholcid spiders from Tibet, China (Araneae, Pholcidae), The Journal of Arachnology. 2006, 34(1): 194-205 (SCI收录)
(58) Mingsheng Zhu, Feng Zhang, Daxiang Song & Ping Qu. A revision of the genus Atypus in China (Araneae: Atypidae). Zootaxa. 2006, 1118:1-42. (SCI收录)
(59) Mingsheng Zhu, Guiming Tang, Feng Zhang & Daxiang Song. Revision of the spider family Trochanteriidae from China (Araneae: Gnaphosoidea) Zootaxa. 2006, 1140:31-51. (SCI收录)
(60) Mingsheng Zhu, Junxia Zhang, Feng Zhang. Rare spiders of the genus Cyclocosmia (Arachnida: Araneae: Ctenizidae) from tropical and subtropical China. 2006. The raffles bulletin of Zoology. 2006, 54 (1): 119-124 (SCI收录)
(61) Feng Zhang, Mingsheng Zhu & Daxiang Song. A new Anyphaena species from China (Araneae: Anyphaenidae). Zootaxa. 2005, 842: 1-7. (SCI收录)
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